Bring your voice to life

Thanks to Soundviz, you can create an artistic decoration with any sound, music, voice, laugh… the only limit is your imagination! Create your own sound and choose the perfect colours for your interior! Some events affect us, touch us and we want to keep a unique record of them.

You can choose to illustrate a song that you love, or a song that marked an important moment in your life. For example, the song of your first date, or of your wedding.

“We found Soundviz totally by coincidence and we were looking for a unique and decorative object for our wedding that we could keep forever as a memory.
With the mp3 file of the song of our first dance “Wild Horses” of the Rolling Stones we easily found the perfect soundwaves and moreover in the colors of our wedding! A decoration that we will keep forever! ”

Soundviz can also allow you to immortalize the voice of a loved one. You could record someone voice or turn voicemail into soundwave. You could create a piece of artwork from your child’s first laugh, or his or her first word. Nothing is more memorable than this kind of remembrance and you have so much possibilities.

“My son Tom left suddenly and I wanted his words, the sound of his voice, to remain engraved. I took the soundwave of him saying “I love you more” and tattooed it on my arm and every time I look at him I feel comforted to know that his words are imprinted forever. “ Christina HUMPHRIES

You could surprised your love one with a “I love” you sound wave. We all have a citation in mind that gives us heartwarming, or inspiring lyrics. Soundviz gives you the opportunity to highlight the words that make sense to you.






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