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Personalised Soundwave as a Music Art Gift
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Create your most beautiful Personalised Soundwave ever with the free waveform generator that Soundviz makes available to you online, with no installation required.
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Try now our personalised soundwave generator online and make the most symbolic Music Gift!
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Make a soundwave poster to symbolize you, an eternal rememberance of your best moments…
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Sounds, Voices and Music you love printed on lovely personalised Soundwave Poster (or printed canvas)
Jenna and her husband created a poster of the song that lulled their first meeting, their first kiss, their first dance. And all this, in the exact same color codes they had chosen for their wedding. If you too would like to match your sound wave to particular colors, go to our COLOR TUTORIAL here.

Jenna: “Our SoundViz is of our first dance to Wild Horses by the Rolling Stones. The colors match the decor from our wedding and takes us right back to our wedding day”.
A huge thank you to them for their testimonial that fills us with emotions ♥☆
Get your most beautiful sound wave creation delivered quickly. You are sure to get the most original and harmonious decoration, full of memories of your most beautiful moments! It will quickly become the object of your essential decoration for you, your friends and your family.
You have other ideas? (tattoo, creation of invitation cards, textile printing). You can also choose a download in high quality format for only $30 and the possibilities of creation for you from your sound wave become infinite! Get your sound from any Voicemail or YouTube song using our YouTube Soundwave Tutorial.
Upload any audio/video file or record your voice and we’ll automatically convert it into a visual sound wave with our generator.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center” animate=”fadeInUp”] [featured_box img=”1302″ img_width=”51″ pos=”center” margin=”px px px px” icon_border=”3″]2. TURN YOUR SOUND INTO ART
Customize your sound wave’s shape to either a linear or radial design, along with the color and style to make it your own.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center” animate=”fadeInUp”] [featured_box img=”1303″ img_width=”51″ pos=”center” margin=”px px px px” icon_border=”3″]3. CHOOSE A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD OR PRINT OPTION
Have your sound wave design delivered as a fine art print, gallery wrapped canvas or digital file.
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