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Sound Gifts for Musical Art Fans
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You can create Sound Gifts with custom Soundwave Art on Try it for free by uploading any sound. Get it printed or buy the HD.
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Build your Custom Sound Gifts
Try now our waveform generator online and make the most personal and symbolic sound gifts.
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[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”4″ height=”1-3″] [ux_banner height=”400px” bg=”1337″ bg_size=”original” bg_overlay=”rgba(227, 102, 219, 0.32)” bg_pos=”51% 0%” hover=”zoom-long” link=”/2020/03/26/tutorial-how-to-generate-a-sound-wave-from-a-music-on-youtube/”] [text_box width=”95″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″ text_depth=”2″]How to make a Soundwave from a Youtube music
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”4″ height=”1-3″] [ux_banner height=”400px” bg=”2771″ bg_overlay=”rgba(84, 155, 187, 0.39)” bg_pos=”21% 35%” hover=”zoom-long” link=”/2019/06/28/baby-heartbeat-soundwave/”] [text_box width=”86″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”5″ text_depth=”2″]Make a waveform with the heartbeat of your baby
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Sound Gifts – Make the most symbolic and Unique Soundwave with your Unique voice timbre
Because every voice is Unique… and so are your loved one.
Just like our client, a young father, so proud to hear you say his baby “Dada” for the first time that he created a Baby soundwave to remember the early magical moments for the rest of his life.
What could be more precious for a future mother than to hear her baby’s first heartbeat during the ultrasound scan? And why not create a soundwave that you can preserve forever? What if you wanted to say “I love you” forever to the person you love the most? There are so many ways to preserve the unique voice of your loved ones with a waveform. SoundViz can convert any word you record or song you download into a downloadable file so you can do it yourself or have it turned into a canvas or art print.
You can even use your favorite YouTube Sound to make a Soundwave with one of our Soundwave Art Tutorials.
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Upload any audio/video file or record your voice and we’ll automatically convert it into a visual waveform with our generator.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center” animate=”fadeInUp”] [featured_box img=”1302″ img_width=”51″ pos=”center” margin=”px px px px” icon_border=”3″]2. TURN YOUR SOUND INTO ART
Customize your sound wave’s shape to either a linear or radial design, along with the color and style to make it your own.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center” animate=”fadeInUp”] [featured_box img=”1303″ img_width=”51″ pos=”center” margin=”px px px px” icon_border=”3″]3. CHOOSE DIGITAL OR PRINT
Have your soundwave design delivered as a fine art print, gallery wrapped canvas or digital file.
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